In this post, I will be going over ways to use Vaseline that may save your life.Vaseline is a staple in almost every household. It is known to be an amazing moisturizer, lip balm, and skin protector. I believe that Vaseline should be an absolute must when packing a...
Blog Author – Alex Chen – Preparedness content writer
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You can read content from this author through the following articles they wrote on is a Prepper Website.
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31 Hurricane Survival Tips [Best Checklist for 2023]
In this article, I will be going over the absolute best hurricane survival tips you need to be learning right now.Hurricanes are hazardous and can cause significant damage due to storm surge, wind damage, rip currents, and flooding. They can occur anywhere along the...
Best Barter Items For an Economic Collapse You Need to Hoard
When the SHTF and an economic collapse hits, bartering is one of the best strategies to ensure your survival. Having a stockpile of the best barter items for an economic collapse that can be traded for goods or services in times of crisis will help you stay...
Natural Snake Repellent Plants You Need To Grow In Your Garden
Are you looking for a natural way to repel snakes from your garden or keep them away in the wilderness? Planting certain natural snake repellent plants is an effective and safe solution. There are over 3,000 species of snakes on our planet but only about...
How To Make Seawater Drinkable On a Desert Island
If you ever find yourself stranded on a desert island, the ability to make seawater drinkable could be your saving grace. This article will explore how to make seawater drinkable on a desert island. Turning seawater into fresh drinking water using simple items could...
How to Make Jerky at Home? [Oven & Dehydrator]
In this article, I will explain exactly how to make your own beef jerky and the benefits of doing so.Beef jerky is rich in protein and many vitamins and minerals, such as zinc, iron, vitamin B12, phosphorus, and folate. It also has a long shelf life and is compact,...
How to Make My Vegetable Garden Grow Faster? [Full Guide]
Have you been wondering, 'how to make my vegetable garden grow faster?' Well, in this article, you'll learn how to potentially cut the time needed to grow veggies dramatically. You have just learned the basics of prepper vegetable gardening from our 55 Crops For the...
Food Storage Prepping For Beginners (Simple Guide)
In this guide, I will be going over food storage prepping for beginners and what foods you should be buying on your next trip to the grocery store.A tornado or a natural disaster has just hit your hometown, and the food supply is now gone. Your neighbors panic while...
How to Choose a Survival Knife? [What You Must Know]
In this article, I will be going over how to choose a survival knife and what factors to consider when purchasing a survival knife. Despite advances in medicine, technology, transport, and communication, millions of people around the world face catastrophes and their...
How to Filter and Purify Water for Survival [Full Guide 2023]
In this article, you will learn many different strategies and ways to filter and purify your water in the wild and in survival situations. You have just learned how to create water sources and gather water from our How To Find Water in the Wild article but don’t have...
How To Find Drinking Water in the Wild [Ultimate Guide 2023]
In this article, I will be explaining where and how to find drinking water in the wild.71% of the Earth is covered in water, yet only 1.2% of that water can be drinkable.Water is by far the most valuable resource in any survival scenario. You can easily go a day...
15 Edible Flowers List for Survival [Best for Survival]
In this article, I will go over a dynamic list of fresh edible flowers that you will need one day in the wilderness.You stray from the group on a hiking trip and become lost in the wilderness. You start to worry as you grow hungrier, and hungrier and time goes on. You...
How to Charge A Phone With a 9V Battery (Ultimate Guide)
In this article, I will show you how to charge your phone with a 9v battery with several different methods you can choose from.While you may have heard of charging your phone with a lemon or potato, what if I told you that you could charge your phone with a...
How to Make a Fish Hook Out of a Can Tab for Survival
In this article, I will show you exactly how to make a fish hook out of a can tab. So you're out in the wilderness near a body of water, and you remember bringing the beer, but you forgot the food and fishing gear. A possible solution: catch a few fish by turning a...
Are Ringless Honey Mushrooms Edible? (What You Must Know)
In this article, we will answer the question, 'are Ringless Honey Mushrooms edible?'This is a good question, because you may have a couple of these mushrooms around where you live. Armillaria tabescens, sometimes known as the ringless honey mushroom, is edible. They...
Powdered Egg Recipes [8 Delicious You Need to Try]
Are you tired of the same old scrambled eggs for breakfast? Looking for new and exciting ways to use powdered eggs in your cooking? Look no further! In this article, we'll be sharing a variety of delicious powdered egg recipes, from French toast to sweet and...