In this article, I will show you how to make an ultra-light bug out bag. I will also show you tips to cut out the weight.
Your Bug Out Bag’s carrying weight has a problem. On the one hand, the bag must be light enough for you to be able to move rapidly while carrying it.
On the other hand, the bag should contain enough supplies (including heavy items such as water and food) to last a few days or even a few weeks in an emergency. Because every ounce counts, let’s look at some practical strategies to make the most of the weight you’ll be carrying.
Let’s dig in.
1. Re-Organize Your Clothes
Only an extra set of underwear, socks, and t-shirt should be considered from a hygiene aspect. That’s about the only extra clothes you need. And, to be space-efficient, make sure to do a Skivvy Role showed below.
If you feel that you need more clothes than this, use a ziplock bag or bags and use a vacuum sealer to make sure every bit of air is sucked out to safe space and weight.
2. Use Freeze-Dried Foods Only
This innovative food preservation technique is advantageous not only because the produced food has a long shelf life but also because it is light. The reason is that 98% of water is removed, making for extra light and nutritious meals.
3. Purchase Ultra-light Bugout Bag Gear
Purchasing light gear, to begin with, will save you a lot of hassle.
- 1.26 pounds sleeping bag – here (Amazon link)
- 8.5-ounce tent – here (Amazon link)
- 2.65-ounce water filter – here (Amazon link)
- 4.48-ounce condensed soap – here
- 3-grams compact toilet paper – here
- 2.4-ounce collapsible water-filter canteen – here
- 2.24-ounce multitool – here
- 3.21-ounce paracord – here
- 1-ounce toothpaste powder – here
4. Cut Off & Repackage Things
- Cut the handle off your toothbrush or invest in a camping toothbrush.
- Remove the edges of your maps.
- Remove all labels off your clothing and equipment
- Tear the covers off any guide/survival books you have.
- Repackage sunscreen, bug spray, and other similar products in plastic bags or smaller containers.
- Instead of using prescription bottles, repackage drugs in vacuumed plastic bags.
5. Use Multi-Function Gear
Do you really need a spoon and fork when a spork will suffice?
There is a wide range of multi-purpose survival gear available today. Don’t bother bringing an emergency radio, flashlight, or charger when a device like this can perform all three.
5. Order Matters
For those wondering how to optimize weight in your bag to the fullest, here is how:
6. Remove the Unnecessary
I put this at the end since it’s entirely up to you to decide which BOB items to get rid of, and each one is a difficult decision. Many people shove their belongings in there because they believe it is better to have them than not.
Who needs spices, caffeinated pills, or extra equipment? Maybe you do, maybe you don’t, but I propose emptying your bag and then looking at everything and asking yourself, “Do I really need this?” while you reassemble it.
As you can see, there’s just one thing you need to do to lighten your bug-out bag and make it as compact as possible: sacrifice. You may need to buy in new electronics, rotate your BOB food store, and spend some additional cash on a tarp.
It’s entirely up to you whether you believe your existing bug-out bag is light enough, but before you make that decision, I strongly advise you to take it for a test drive. Fully loaded. Take a couple of hours hiking with it on your back and see how you feel.
You should have an ultra-light bugout bag after implementing these tips or if you don’t at least you should have a lighter bag.
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